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What is the Light of the World Retreat?

The Light of the World Retreat is an immersive weekend retreat experience where participants personally encounter Christ through the presentation of the kerygma - the basic gospel message.

Frequently asked questions

How many days does the retreat last?

A retreat weekend includes Friday evening, Saturday all day, Sunday all day, and Monday evening. Conversion doesn’t happen overnight, it takes time. The retreat is designed to patiently guide the retreatants through the kerygma, and gives them time to respond to what the Lord is doing in their hearts.

Do the retreatants have to attend the entire retreat, or can they miss parts of it?

Retreatants need to stay for the entire retreat. If you need to miss part of the retreat, we recommend you attend the next retreat.

Isn’t four days too long for most retreatants to attend?

The retreat isn’t really four full days, it’s two full days and two evenings. It works around people’s work schedules, and they are able to go home at a reasonable time each evening to sleep in their own beds. Most importantly though, the retreat is worth the time investment. Once people attend the retreat, they don’t regret the time spent.

When should I arrive?

We will begin each day promptly according to schedule, so please arrive a bit early for hellos and coffee.


Where should I arrive?

Please enter from the northwest doors into the Church Hall Area.


What to bring?

Nothing but your “open” self. No need to take notes – no exam, yet if you are a “note taker” feel free! Bring a pillow to sit on, a blanket, or anything that will make you more comfortable. Dress is casual and comfy.


Will I be able to go to Mass?

Yes, Sunday Mass is scheduled into the weekend.


Will masks need to be worn during the retreat?

Yes. Although masks are no longer required indoors by the State or the Diocese we are requesting that all retreat participants wear masks except when eating or drinking in consideration of participants who have health concerns.


What about food?

Please eat dinner on Fri & Mon, light snacks will be offered during break, but not dinner. A continental breakfast will be offered on Saturday, followed by a full lunch and snacks during breaks. You will be home in time for dinner on Saturday. On Sunday, there will be a light breakfast, a full lunch, and a  full dinner again with snacks during breaks.

What does it cost to attend the retreat?


What if I cannot attend but want to help?

There are several ways you can help.

  1. Pray! - Pray for our retreatants and pray for the retreat team.

  2. Donate supplies.  Cases of water and paper products including plates, napkins, plastic ware, and cups are needed.

  3. Volunteer to help with feeding our retreatants and the retreat team.


If you do want to help out call Dan and Ann Draper at 815-664-2346 or email us at

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