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Confraternity of Christian Doctrine (CCD)




There will be a parent meeting and registration for anyone interested in registering for CCD for the 2020/2021 year. We will be presenting how the current year will look for the teachers, students, and their families. Registration paperwork has been sent to parents of students that were registered in the CCD program last year.  Paperwork for new students is available in the parish office or by clicking on the links below. Completed forms and payment can be placed in an envelope marked CCD Registration and returned at the parent meeting.  You may also put your envelope in the offering, return it  to the parish office or place it in the drop box by the outside entrance to the office.


  • If you have the completed paperwork and payment when you come to the meeting, you will receive the discounted preregistration fee of $50.00.

  • There is an additional $20.00 fee for Confirmation students.

  • Forms must have all information completed and signed by a parent.

  • Please return the completed paperwork and payment in an envelope in order to limit cross contamination.

  • There will not be pens or paper available at the meeting.

  • You do not need to have the paperwork and money returned at the meeting, but the discounted preregistration fee is only good through August 16.

  • If you have already sent in the preregistration payment and/or registration paperwork you will still need to attend the meeting in order to find out what is changing for the upcoming year.

  • Due to COVID-19 regulations, seating is limited so we ask that only one parent attend.

  • Masks are required.

Early Registration


Parish of the Nativity of Our Lord is offering early registration for the 2020-2021 Religious Education Program. The preregistration fee will be $50 per child. (There will still be an additional $20 eighth grade confirmation fee.) If you wish to take advantage of this reduced fee forms are available in the parish office. This reduced fee will be offered through August 16th

Please note - Student registration is not complete all forms and payment are received.

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